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Hello Again!
I know, I know, its been over a year since I've last posted! My how time flies! I'm not even going to make excuses for why I've been absent for so long, I've just been living life, and sometimes the blog takes a back seat. :)
I'm also not going to make any promises about future posts, although I do have much that I would love to share with you all. For starters, I would like to finish sharing the rest of the "Sweet Baby Girl" album with you.
What I will say is this, Thank You! thank you to all the readers who've continued to follow and view this little blog during my absence, and thank you to all of you who will read my blog today, and continue to support my struggling venture in bloggy land. :) I appreciate it so much!
So as a thank you gift, I wanted to share a free printable with you today. I've been thinking about God's grace, and His priceless gift to us, that is free for all who will receive Christ as their Lord and personal Savior and friend. What a price our Lord paid to give us eternal life, and so much more that we do not deserve, that's grace, God blessing us abundantly with" riches in Heavenly places" that we are not worthy of receiving, all because He loves us.